Up-knot Hair Style

Recently I've been so addicted with Beachy Wave hairstyle, but there's a new hair style that really caught my attention and i'm currently loving it and if you happen to see me most of the time you will always see me with the same hairstyle. So enough for a long introduction, what i'm talking about is the "Up-Knot" hairstyle. 

The first time i saw this hairstyle was in You tube but i wasn't that interested, but when Sazan from Sazan.me, my favorite fashion blogger wore this kind of hair style, and make a "How to" tutorial about it. Gosh! i wanted to try also for my own hair. And it became my addiction this past few days, my hair style is always Up - knot. So for my dear and lovely readers and viewers, i would like also to share with you on how to do this Up - knot hairstyle that is so very "pancit" (easy) to do. 

But if your hair is totally straight? no need to have a flat iron, and heat protective spray. 

1. Before you use the flat iron for your hair to straight, make sure to spray your hair with a heat protective spray so that your hair will not be damaged from a direct heat.

2. Get a section of hair in your forehead and round the hair around your finger, do you get what i meant? just make a simple knot or bun in your forehead. And then tie it with your hair tie.

3. secure the knot with a bobby pins. 

And done, it's so simple and easy, and you will look great. Hope you're gonna try this hair style also and if you do,don't forget to tag me in Instagram, click HERE