Skincare April Haul

Hey all! As all of you know that I’m really obsessed in taking good care of my skin, it’s not being “maarte” it’s about once you take care of yourself first , you know how to take care of others. Am I making sense? LOL So, anyways I’ve been writing  this monthly beauty haul before but recently I just stop writing about it, because I don’t have time anymore to shoot my skincare products. But anyhow, I need to be consistent and make extra effort and time to share with you loves what good things I’ve been experiencing nowadays.

I want to share with you my April Skincare Haul, I know it’s already May, you might say, is it kinda late to talk about it? For me? No, it’s actually the perfect time to share with you what I’m obsessing with for the past month. So let get started!

This toner is so amazing, the substance is not watery, it’s a bit sticky and you need to pour a little bit in a cotton and wipe it all over your face. The feeling is great, I feel like I already put on some moisturizer but actually it’s just a toner, it absorbs easily into the face so no need to worry that your face will look so wet for a long time.

I’ve been using this for 2 months already with the same bottle and it’s still not empty, how amazing is that? It saves me a lot and plus it’s organic. The substance is a mixture of watery and stickiness so it really makes your face look wet for a couple of minutes. But the feeling is great, it makes my skin smooth and soft.

I stop using sunblock before, like a month the reason is that I’m quite lazy. Hehe! But when Mr. Sun is really there for me and never leaves by my side, I decided that I need protection, he’s a stalker. LOL I’ve been using this Aloe sunblock many times. What I love about this is the high SPF, and it smells good and not too sticky for my face.  

I’ve been hearing about good reviews on this Body Shop coconut butter, and I’m really curious and I want to try it for my skin. So I bought for myself, and indeed it really smells good, but unfortunately it doesn’t have any SPF so I need to buy my all time favorite Vaseline Healthy White Serum that has SPF 30. This is to protect my skin from Mr. Sun. 

Okay, let’s face it soap or facial wash alone cannot easily remove make-ups in our face, and I’m having a hard time from this. So I did my research and there are so many girls had been fascinated with oil remover. So I tried the organic Mango seed remover. And miracles really do exist. I pour a little bit of amount in a cotton and wipe all over my face. And my make-ups are all gone, and ready to wash.

And that’s were all my obsession goes for the last month with my Skincare products, I’ve always tried new things but I always make sure that it is at least 50% organic and free from alcohol base. So what was your skincare obsession from the last month? I might try it.