How was your 2020? We all have the same experienced I think, canceled plans, anxiety over our health, losing income, missing home, stock in one place, and many more. But I want to dedicate my first blog post in the year 2021 of the things that I am grateful enough despite everything.
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1. Mental Health
2019 was a hell roller coaster ride for me from living separately with my ex-partner, I need to stand on my own again. 2020 was the year where I heal myself from everything. I've been a broken person and dealing with a lot of anxieties, insecurities, and struggling to find my old self. I admit until now I'm still fighting my own demons (**wink) but not the same as before that I'm really struggling. I'm proud of myself because I finally get my groove back being an independent person, I can live by myself again without any fear. I'm also happy that the year 2020 helped me to love myself, even more, accept my own skin, and guarded my heart and worth more than ever. By 2021, I plan to keep my Mental health more stable, try to ease more my insecurities, and be happier.
2. Financially
I don't want to include this because I don't want others to think that I'm being boastful, but I'm really proud of myself for how did I survive this year in terms of finances. A lot of business entities from small to big ones declared bankruptcy and most of them closes, other than the owners, employees also get affected by this. As an Overseas Filipino worker here in Thailand, I am also worried that I may be out of a job due to the economic struggle of the country, however, in God's mercy I still have a job. I'm happy that even sometimes I'm running out of money still I managed to survive in my everyday expenses. I also came to a point that I have nothing at all, but I'm so thankful enough to have friends to assist me, and I will be forever grateful. Aside from surviving every day with my finances, I'm so proud of myself that finally, after 6 years of working here in Thailand I finally have an investment, not that big but it's a start. I can finally see where all my hard work went to.
3. Health
2020 was the year of uncertainty, you will never know anymore who's going to get infected of COVID-19, even though you are healthy you still died, sounds awful but that's the reality. Few people who are unexpected to die died because of COVID-19 or other illness-causing COVID-19. There is also a rampant asymptomatic COVID-19 case so it's really scary that you might have the virus you just don't even know. However, till the end of 2020, I'm so thankful that my health, my family and friend's health are still going strong and unbothered.
4. As a content creator
I've been blogging since 2015 and vlogging since 2017 (I guessed?) but still I don't consider myself as an Influencer, I prefer to be called a "content creator". For 2020, I never thought that my career as a content creator will survive, I mean the majority of my contents nowadays are mostly related to travel, and it's every travel vloggers or bloggers fear, what will happen to their business especially that 2020 is a year of horror and that is also my dilemma as well. But, things turn out the opposite, as a content creator, a lot of opportunities and doors opened that I never expected. I've got hotels collaboration, biggest waterpark in Thailand collaboration, being part of the Kolour in the Park (one of the biggest Music Festival event in Thailand), met amazing Filipino content creators here in Pattaya, and finally be able to join the First Filipino Vloggers based in Thailand meet-up hosted by Pinoythaiyo. On that meet-up, I made new friends with the same passion and opportunities came pouring that I'm grateful enough. For 2021, I'm coming hot and inspired to do even better, more collaborations with brands and companies especially in the Fashion and Beauty industry, I've got a lot of fashion and beauty brands collaborations last 2019 but it seems like they all gone maybe because my website is transitioning into a travel website these past few months. Its Beyond Imaginations talks about fashion, beauty, and travel. Working more harder to get monetized on my Youtube channel, Ann Catherine. I'm almost there! (**wink). To practice more in my video editing like my inspirations Sam Kolder and Benn TK and lastly to engage more with my readers, viewers, and subscribers. I'm feeling that 2021 will be the best year.
5. The Tribe
We already announced our upcoming bags and luggage business on Facebook with our official Logo last 2020, however, due to so many tragic happenings around the globe especially in the Philippines we aren't able to meet our deadline to finally launch our first product. But for 2021, I'm positive enough that by summer in the Philippines we will finally launch our first baby in the business The Tribe. We are so excited to share it with you loves our effort to pull-out this first product, we made a lot of decision making and struggle especially that me and my business partner (my best friend Katrina) are both not in the Philippines since our manufacturer is in the Philippines. But we are grateful enough that our manufacturer is kind and patience enough with us, especially that we are new in the business.
And that's it loves, my grateful things in the year 2020. I know we've been all in a very dark place for 2020 but let's all assess ourselves in every trial and struggles we encountered there are things that we are still grateful enough, maybe food in the table, complete members of the family, we still have a job, we are healthy or maybe just by waking up every day. Small things count! I wish you all the best for 2021 loves and once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!