How does a Color of the Year' get chosen?

 Have you ever wonder how do fashion brands come up with the same colors each year? Do they talk and decide? Who really decide what will be the fashion color each year? These questions really bothered me. So as everyone has been doing, I did my research and I discovered Pantone.

I thought Pantone is a type of color code, but I guess I'm wrong I've learned that Pantone is a company that create different colors that millions of designers and producers around the world rely on. The Pantone Color Institute started in the 1960s, they introduce the Pantone Matching system with 500 colors, see the evolution of the company below.

The real question is what is the process of choosing a color theme of the year? The Pantone Color Institute holds a meeting in Europe twice a year and brings in experts in color standards groups from several different nations, talking about mood, ideals, beliefs and/or tone that motivates people during a certain period in time. After days of debating, they will decide what will be the color of the upcoming year. Designers and manufacturers really followed the color of the year and it became their guidelines in creating their next clothing design. Just like that, we are obsessed with clothes that have a trendy color. This year 2021 the Pantone color is PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray + PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating yellow, however, this past few months I've seen a lot of emerald green. Anyways, Ultimate Gray represents the color of resilience and strength, while Illuminating yellow is the color of optimism: bright and sunny, it sums up those deep feelings of positivity that we all need in this pandemic.  I just found out these past few weeks that yellow and gray is a thing and I'm still clinging to the color of the last year 2020 Classic Blue 19-4052. So, I'm sharing with you loves how I style the Classic Blue color. 

That's it loves another FYI in the Fashion Industry where we never thought about. Actually, I thought when brands released their clothing line and they almost have the same colors, I assumed that they base their color palette with Fung Shui colors. I stand corrected, I know now how fashion brands associate with Pantone. 

